Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Partnering In Healthcare Samples for Students †MyAssignmenthelp.com

Question: Discuss about the Partnering In Healthcare Professional. Answer: A healthcare professional is an individual who has the responsibility to prevent, cure and also promote healthcare services in a systematic and sequential manner to patients, families or even communities. The thesis statement is that nursing profession according to Australian governance should provide patient centered care involving families and developing a proper partnership with all stakeholders along with healthcare team members to assure empowerment of the patients. It also states nurses to make patients active participants in their care. The care comprises of the teams to follow proper ethics, standards and communication among all stakeholders to maintain best quality care and ensure patient satisfaction and patient safety at the same time of going over their races, caste, creed and religion. The following assignment will show the importance of such a practice and will link with the incidences and experience of Mr. Taylor to develop a better understanding of the concept. Patient centered care is a form of practice of present day nurses where nurses adopt treatment ways which are not only meaningful but at the same time they are valuable to the individual patients. The nurses should provide care to the patient which would be respectful as well as responsive to the concerned patients preferences, values, and needs and also ensure that the patient is included in all the clinical decisions made for him (Ignatavicus Workman, 2015). The main principles of a person centered acre are respecting the patients preferences, providing her with physical as well as emotional support, providing him with information and education, involvement of family members and friends and many others. Patient and family centered care is an approach where a nurse should plan, deliver and evaluate healthcare by engaging in mutually beneficial partnerships with other healthcare members and patients and families. In this approach, families take an active part by participating in the care plan for the patient and also in decision making along with the professionals (Osborn et al., 2014). Maintaining dignity and respect of the family members of the patients, informing them about different information, sharing valuable data, encouraging their participation and collaboration are some of the important principles of the approach. Developing a care in partnership with patient, family and other healthcare members will help in fostering optimal health and wellness for the patient ensuring the best treatment and effective participation from all members ensuring a quality service and proper maintenance of patient safety and dignity (Rathert, Wyrich Boren et al., 2013). Mr. Taylor in his interview had revealed of his experiences when he had both experienced patient centered care during his iron infusion where the nurse stayed by his side and provided him both physical and mental support during the entire procedure making him comfortable and less anxious. Moreover, his healthcare team also had helped him to rightly educate him about his medication which had helped him understand the rationale behind using his medicines (Lusk Fater, 2013). These had helped him to maintain his self esteem and his including into the healthcare teams decisions had helped to maintain his dignity and autonomy. As he was properly educated about his disorders and management of the disorders, he was more confident about his own self. This confidence helped him leading a better quality life. However, she had also faced several issues in care. He had been rudely handled by the surgeon who stated his conditions as old rags. This humiliated him making him feel embarrassed (Auerb ach et al., 2013). Each and every professional healthcare team member should be courteous and soft spoken to the patients who are already in stress and distress rather invoking fear and hopelessness in the patients as this might result in negative aspects on the patients health. Form the patients experience, it is very clear that every nurses need to understand the patients situation and his agony and anxiety from his point of view before developing a care plan. She should never be impolite to the patient as these may lead to his emotional turmoil. Moreover, another incident he had stated that the doctor was using primitive methods in his fathers treatment and id amputation of his leg which was not necessary. A family centered care was not followed where the professional did not consult with the family members about the amputation which affected them making them depressed and develop a feeling of loss. These could have resulted in legal obligations if the case happened on this day u nder strict codes of nursing ethics and standards in Australia (Sidani Fox et al., 2014). Each and every healthcare professional should develop interventions which should not only be modern but are also evidence based ensuring that the least pain and suffering occurs in the patient. however unlike his father, he was lucky as his colonoscopy and endoscopy was done in the most modern methods by using a paper cam which gives the best diagnostic report with the least suffering and greater smoothness. Another positive part of the patient centered care which was followed by the professionals were that they educated the patient about how the entire procedure works so that he can understand what is going on within him and how he will be diagnosis (Bernabeo Holmes, 2013). These made him comfortable as well as helped to overcome any fear and anxiety regarding any intervention they took. The main barriers that affected Mr. Taylors experiences with healthcare is the inappropriate management system of the public hospitals where he had to face long waiting times. Mainly inappropriate communication was noticed in the scenario where he was getting anxious about his turn as he was suffering from immense pain due to his kidney stones. The second barrier was unprofessional behavior of the surgeon who was handling his skin tear. His rude comment made him feel embarrassed and hurt his emotions. His self esteem was hurt as the terms used by the professional should not have been used in a professional relationship with the patient and he was feeling humiliated. Such an unprofessional behavior made him develop negative feeling about healthcare (Mayo et al., 2014). The third barrier was found when the healthcare professional did not ask for suggestions or did not inform the family about the intervention of amputating his fathers leg with the family members made them feel anxious a nd at loss. The facilitator that was involved are providing a highly modern technology of using a paper scam which helped in getting the best results of the colonoscopy and endoscopy test without causing any form of suffering for the patient. Use of evidence based modern care is indeed a facilitator for him. Another facilitator as the therapeutic relationship that the nurse developed with him during his iron infusion which gave him a very positive experience and his sufferings lessened by few intensity as the nurse made sure that she stated by him throughout the entire procedure (Flag et al., 2015). The third facilitator was how his healthcare team educated him about his medication procedures making sure that he knows the rationale behind using his medication memorizes all the medications with the correct dose and ensured patient empowerment. Every organization should make sure that proper management of all the systems are done so that patients can experience less waiting times. Higher waiting times often compromise the patients condition making it worse. The organization should appoint management which would maintain correct communication among the stakeholders, maintain a proper healthcare staff patient ratio, skilled workers attending patients, rapid as well as smooth activities as well as others. Professionals should be made more skilled with proper allocation of resources and man power to reduce waiting times. The public hospital failed miserably in the aspect resulting in negative experience for the patient when he visited there for his kidney stone. The organization should also conduct training sessions for professional development of nurses making them aware of the ethics as well as helping them to be skilled (Constand et al., 2014). When nurses of the organization can develop therapeutic relationship in person ce ntered care, the patient will have a higher satisfaction and reputation of the organization will be enriched as happened in the case of Mr. Taylor during his iron infusion case. Moreover, it was also found that organizational management should establish monitoring bodies as well as complain cell where reports of unprofessionalism would be reported. Mr. Taylor had a negative experience with a surgeon who was handling his kin tear. Proper training should be given to such individuals about ethic of professionalism and how to maintain respect and dignity of the patients. Strict punishments should also be introduced and legal charges should be fixed so that similar incidences do not occur with other patients who come to the organization (Sidani Fox, 2014). The organization would allocate proper resources so that most modern method can be incorporated which will help in giving the best quality treatment. Paper cam assisted diagnostic procedures made the patient very happy as he had not t o suffer any pain of colonoscopy and endoscopy increasing patient satisfaction. Hence, organization should incorporate recent technologies to provide uninterrupted best quality care to patients. From the entire discussion, it is seen that every healthcare professional would follow patient centered approach, patient family care approach and a principle of effective partnership in care to assure the best quality service. With the various negative and positive experiences faced by the patient, it can be known that student nurses should develop themselves to maintain autonomy and dignity of the patient, be polite in conversations, try to reduce anxiety and agony in patient and give him a care which increases his satisfaction over healthcare. Nurse should try to see the patients issue form his point of view and give him both emotional and physical support at the same time including suggestion from family and making them a partner in healthcare. This will ensure best quality service to the patient. References: Auerbach, D. I., Chen, P. G., Friedberg, M. W., Reid, R., Lau, C., Buerhaus, P. I., Mehrotra, A. (2013). Nurse-managed health centers and patient-centered medical homes could mitigate expected primary care physician shortage.Health Affairs,32(11), 1933-1941. Bernabeo, E., Holmboe, E. S. (2013). Patients, providers, and systems need to acquire a specific set of competencies to achieve truly patient-centered care.Health Affairs,32(2), 250-258. Constand, M. K., MacDermid, J. C., Dal Bello-Haas, V., Law, M. (2014). Scoping review of patient-centered care approaches in healthcare.BMC health services research,14(1), 271. Flagg, A. J. (2015). The role of patient-centered care in nursing.Nursing Clinics,50(1), 75-86. Ignatavicius, D. D., Workman, M. L. (2015).Medical-Surgical Nursing-E-Book: Patient-Centered Collaborative Care. Elsevier Health Sciences. Lusk, J. M., Fater, K. (2013, April). A Concept Analysis of Patient?Centered Care. InNursing Forum(Vol. 48, No. 2, pp. 89-98). Mayo, R. M., Sherrill, W. W., Truong, K. D., Nichols, C. M. (2014). Preparing for patient-centered care: assessing nursing student knowledge, comfort, and cultural competence toward the Latino population.Journal of Nursing Education. Osborn, R., Moulds, D., Squires, D., Doty, M. M., Anderson, C. (2014). International survey of older adults finds shortcomings in access, coordination, and patient-centered care.Health Affairs,33(12), 2247-2255. Rathert, C., Wyrwich, M. D., Boren, S. A. (2013). Patient-centered care and outcomes: a systematic review of the literature.Medical Care Research and Review,70(4), 351-379. Sidani, S., Fox, M. (2014). Patient-centered care: clarification of its specific elements to facilitate interprofessional care.Journal of interprofessional care,28(2), 134-141.

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